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Our member app Loft2go was launched in 2022 at just the right moment. Because the energy efficiency guideline requires housing companies to inform their tenants monthly about their energy consumption. In most companies, this was done via monthly letters, which of course does not meet the policy's goal of saving resources. We use our app for this information channel. Here our members can view and compare their consumption. The app also makes it easier for our members to contact us.

Why we became digital pioneers with an app

An app in itself is nothing special anymore. The reason why it is used can nevertheless simplify a lot and save resources at the same time. This is exactly what made us digital pioneers in the housing industry. We have the award together with the dem WowiTech Spiri.Bo receive what the system provides for the app. The development to the finished product took place in one go cross-functional team from the marketing, accounting, digitization and utility billing teams. What is decisive for us is that we have once again solved a challenge digitally and at the same time taken a big step forward as a company.

We help our members to set up the app

For many of our members, the rapid technical development is still a hurdle. That's why we help you set up and operate the app. Because we want as many members as possible to use Loft2go. In this way we save resources, are even easier to reach and make a major contribution to more Sustainability. The app will also be useful for us with a view to building connectivity, which we are building up bit by bit. We want to make the data that we collect there available to our members, for example to help them save energy.