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There are now many laws and regulations that regulate our climate friendliness. By 2050, the housing industry should manage its buildings in a climate-neutral manner. This is a huge challenge that we naturally want to meet.

In addition to all the specifications, we also launch our own projects that help our members and everyone else in Eberswalde to live more climate-friendly. We pay great attention to partnerships with other committed people and groups. If many people change small things, it also makes a big contribution to climate protection.

value food

Together with foodsharing, for example, we operate a fair divider shelf in our H15 clubhouse on Havellandstraße in the Brandenburg district. If you have leftover groceries, you can put them there. The house is always open. So if you want, you can take food out or put it in at any time.

Paperless office

Thanks to numerous digital processes, the paperless office is now a reality for us. We always have all data available and use specialized software. This creates more overview and transparency. We no longer need slips of paper and booklets.

strengthen biodiversity

Together with the neighborhood management in the Brandenburg Quarter, we want to settle two new bee colonies in the garden of our clubhouse. To do this, we looked together for hobby beekeepers and those who want to become one. They will start work in 2022.

We develop our green space concepts together with the Nature Conservation Union (NABU). At the same time, we encourage our members to diversify their balconies and gardens to create food sources and retreats for insects and birds.