Februar 2, 2023

Out of the rocket suits and into the loincloths. Now it's off into the jungle to Boomtown Eberswalde! Because our new 1893 apartment collection is here. This time it's called "Boomtown Eberswalde - the Jungle Edition". A total of 174 apartments are being built and there is something for everyone, from 1-room apartments to 5-room apartments.

Don't worry, you don't have to climb palm trees to get to your apartments: most of the apartments are barrier-free and can be reached by elevator. The traffic-calmed inner courtyard and tenant gardens of the ground floor apartments ensure a perfect view of the countryside. For more neighborliness, there are a total of three common rooms - all jungle dwellers can meet here.
With a lot of luck you can even hear the monkeys from the Eberswalde Zoo.

Expedition leader Konrad and his team are looking forward to exploring the jungle in the Oderbruchstraße with you.

Click here for the amazing housing offers.

Click here for the amazing housing offers.